Law Personal Statement Examples

LLB Law Personal Statement Example

I want to study law in England because it has one of Europe’s oldest and most developed educational systems. English universities have a great tradition that cannot be found anywhere else.

I grew up in a chaotic country with a turbulent history and a country that systematically trampled on the most basic human rights. For this practical reason, I choose to study law in England.

Studying English law will provide me with more excellent job prospects and freedom from regional limitations. It is a personal goal of mine to work in different countries around the world. Because of my strong sense of equality, justice, and injustice, I am eager to study law. 

I first came into contact with legal practice when I decided to participate in an after-hours secondary school debate club, which taught me the basics of the European human rights system.

I was fortunate enough to watch a moot court case as part of the debate and was impressed by the judges and defendants.

To further explore my interest in the field of law, I got a two-week online placement to observe three different solicitors conduct their day-to-day business, witness multiple court cases, and learn even more about the field.

I became very enthusiastic about studying law and becoming a lawyer during that time. In my opinion, my personality and interest in law are well-suited to the study of law. 

Law excites me tremendously. As part of my free time, I participate in activities that require skills that I would need as an attorney. As a teenager, I was politically engaged. Besides being treasurer at the secondary school level, I’m also a captain for the girls’ brigade.

As a captain, I frequently have to defend my position, stay factual and not get emotional when leading my group, as I would have to do in court and listen to other people and their views. My leadership, communication, and organisational skills have been greatly honed due to my position and ability to interact professionally with others.

I tutor younger children both in English and Yoruba during my free time. I also have a part-time job as a hairdresser.

My interests lie in politics and history. I studied French, Latin and Literature as part of my extracurricular activities. I enjoy reading historical novels. My favourite things to do include playing the piano, playing badminton, and spending time with my best friends.

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